Genre: Adventure Publisher: Vivendi Developer: Stormfront Pegi: 16+ Players: 1 OS: Windows 2000 / XP
Play as Eragon and his dragon as they set out to fulfill their destiny. Endure perilous travels, unparalleled adventure and heart-pounding combat as you live the epic events of the movie. Product Features * Deep, complex combat system – Disable and dispatch enemies with the unparalleled skills of a true Dragon Ride. Eragons combat system features a variety of blistering attacks and defences, including a unique degradable block system. * Extensive dragon combat – Ride Saphira and blast your enemies with bursts of fire, and call in devastating dragon attacks during melee battles. * Co-op gameplay – Eragon features multiplayer co-op with team attack bonuses and dragon fight/flight combo gameplay. * Authentic Eragon Universe -Full cooperation from the film production team provides faithful implementation of the movies look-and-feel. * Magic Spells – As Eragon discovers the powers hidden within him he learns to unleash magical attacks to decimate his foes.